Encouraging Critical Literacy as a Parent

I don’t have time to read or watch TV with my child. How can I encourage critical literacy?

Literacy is more than just experiencing and interpreting formal texts. Literacy is embedded in our everyday lives. Interpreting street signs on the way to pre-school (symbols not just words), observing packaging on food whilst doing the groceries, and looking at graffiti while walking to the train station. Literature surrounds us in our communities. (Barton and Hamilton, 2000)

Point these things out to your child and encourage them to ask questions. Ask them questions about everyday life and encourage considered responses.

Some questions that you could ask:
  • Why do the yoghurts have pictures of Disney Princesses on them? Who do they want to buy the yogurts? Why will this help
  • Why do you think someone painted words on the wall? Was this the right thing to do?
  • How do you think your brother felt when you took his toy? Was it right for him to hit you? How did this make you feel?

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